The home team is lead by co-founder, Cindy Sunderland

a person posing for the cameraThe Bryson family of diamond drillers spends a great deal of its time out in the field running the operations. The home team is lead by Cindy Sunderland who manages all of the critical aspects of the office in Archerwill Saskatchewan. She works tirelessly to manage the contracts, ensures everybody gets paid, the accounting is correct and above all keep the ship steered in the right direction!
Cindy may not be a driller, she is no stranger to the drilling industry. Growing up, her father and 2 brothers all worked as diamond drillers and, today, her sons all work for Bryson Drilling and are an integral part of the family business.As a former director on the board of the Canadian Diamond Drillers Association (CDDA), Cindy carries with her a very strong background of management and administration which enables her to ensure that operations are continually running smoothly. #team #management #leadership #diamonddrilling #familyenterprise